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Family History: Feb. 9, 2014 - March 16, 2014

Feb. 9, 2014 [Paula] Our triumphant missionary, Elder Jan Bergeson came home on Friday night. His flight was delayed so we didn't get home from the airport until almost midnight. Fortunately we could sleep in, the next day. Jan was up from 6pm Thursday night until 12:30am Saturday morning. A few friends/roommates from his freshman year were also at the airport along with David and Stephanie, Grandma Bergeson, and us. Camille got an ear infection on Friday and is back on antibiotics. Everett lost a game and won a game in Bball yesterday. I went to parent-teacher conferences for Mindy and Camille and they're both doing well. Mindy has improved her behavior. Yesterday Scott and Paula took Jan to the temple and then we went out to eat with David and Stephanie at the Olive Garden. Susanna had New Beginnings. Talmage played a lot in the snow. Jan got released by Pres. Hansen. Jan's luggage arrived about 4:30am preceded by a phone call. Lincoln went to the Sweetheart dance last ni...
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Family History: Jan. 6, 2013-Feb. 24, 2013

 Jan. 6, 2013 [Scott] On New Year's Eve we went to the Hansens for a game night. We finally met Kurt's romantic interest, Lauren, and played games and ate junk food. Camille has had a cold and fever and slept terribly last night. Mindy got the cold. So did Everett. So we're sharing. Everyone but Garrett and Mindy went cross country skiing at Big Springs on New Year's Day. It has been extremely cold with lows near zero and highs in the teens and twenties. Garrett got his wisdom teeth out on Thursday morning. He seems to be recovering well and moved back to BYU yesterday. Jan. 13, 2013 [Scott] Camille has an ear infection. She and Mindy were sick this week. Fortunately Cam got some meds yesterday and she is doing better. Talmage attended 11-year-old Scouts this week and is nearly finished with his Arrow of Light award for Webelos. Susanna swam in a swim meet yesterday for OTAC in her swimming suit. Everett's Jr. Jazz season finally started and they lost their first ga...

Family History May 20, 2001-July 29, 2001

  June 2001, Bruce and Michelle's wedding Felicity, Susanna, Maria and Grandma H May 20, 2001 [written by Paula] Today is very windy. Scott was gone to his DAMOP conference in Ontario this week. David had 2 soccer games and lost both of them so his team was out of the tournament. We think they finished in 4th. Jan had his last soccer game but didn't go because he wasn't feeling well. Uncle Kent is coming for dinner today. But I'm not making it because the boys are making it instead. Last week was Mother's Day. Scott gave me a new garage door opener and "The Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley." Susanna is learning how to crawl. She can get up on her hands and toes in a push up position. The boys like watching her try to crawl. The boys are enthralled with the Lego magazine now featuring "Bionicles". Everett loves "Tahu." July 1, 2001 The weather has been very hot with highs near 100. Garrett finished swimming lessons on Friday, passing Leve...