I haven't been keeping up with my goal of one book per week this month--May has been a little crazy. But I had to read at least one book to make sure I wanted to pick it for my book group. So the book I read was Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works , by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. I first heard about this book a few months ago at a class that my daughter's school sponsored about body image. She's at an age when girls really start to care about how they look. The doctor who presented the ideas took a fairly radical approach, I thought. It wasn't information I had previously heard before. But he took a lot of ideas from this book, it turns out. The doctor works a lot with women and girls who have eating disorders so I'd say he has stronger feelings on the subject than most. I can't really summarize all he said in the class but his basic message was, don't listen to the media about what your...