She finally came! After being 9 days overdue and a grueling 15 hours of labor, our sweet little grandbaby finally showed her cute little face. 8 lbs. 11 oz. and 21". Fresh from heaven. I am so excited to have this new little baby in our lives. My little girls have been clamoring to hold the baby all day. They're so excited to be aunts! I have to admit, I had no idea how great it would feel to be a grandma. It's sort of like the way you don't know what it will feel like to be a parent until you actually become one. But I'm pleased to say that I have a lot of tender feelings for this precious child and I look forward to being an active part of her life. I want to be an involved grandma. It feels like a payback day although I don't really know why. You're just so happy that this baby has come into your children's lives to bless them. At least for me, when I'm not the one who has gone through the whole labor, ...