Last Sunday I was concerned about my daughter's oxygen levels (low 90's because of her recent illness), so after the main church meeting, I brought her home. Since she was missing her Sunday class, I wanted her to have a meaningful Sunday-type experience, so I went to and checked out the Bible videos which use text directly from the New Testament and are stories from the life of Christ and his apostles. I have been meaning to take a look at them for a while and I'm glad I finally did. We watched quite a few--they're all pretty short--and I really enjoyed them. They held my daughter's attention too. They're done very authentically and it gives the viewer a taste of what Christ's life was like. I almost wish they could add to the words in the New Testament and make the videos a little longer but they really wanted to stay true to the scriptures and there's a lot to be said for that. The viewer can add their own meanings and mi...