Yesterday I read an article in the newspaper quoting a childhood media expert on how you shouldn't set limits on screen time. Dr. Michael Rich said, "There should be no time limits on screens because that leads to deprivation and rebellion. Anytime you limit something, kids want it more.” Although I agreed with much of what the article said, this particular statement is a bogus argument and I have to refute it. Life is about limits! The sooner children learn this, the better off they will be. I grew up with limits and sometimes I wish I had had more. I did not feel deprived and I did not rebel. As a member of the Mormon church, I grew up with alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs being off limits to me. Ditto for my ten siblings. Now we are all adults and not one of us uses any of those substances, as far as I know. This is anecdotal evidence but I'm not sure that Dr. Rich has anything more convincing to back up his statement. In fact,...