Every October the kids get three days off from school. It's a welcome break from the usual routine but I am usually very busy trying to get lots of jobs done along with extra activities. My main task for fall break is to take stock of everyone's clothes, switch out the summer clothes and see what we need for winter. That's kind of boring but definitely necessary so we did that on Thursday. Then on Friday, we headed for Payson Canyon with my husband who took the day off. In all our years of living in this area we've never done any recreating in Payson Canyon. It turns out to be a nice place to visit. The first spot we visited was "Grotto Trail". It's a very short hike with a waterfall at the end, perfect for small children. Unfortunately we got a little ways down the trail and a DNR guy told us the trail was closed for a few hours because an aggressive moose had to be taken down and they were "harvesting" the moose. I'm not sure t...