January has not always been my favorite month. When we lived in Wisconsin and I had one, two, and then three little boys, it was a long, cold month. We did enjoy skating on the frozen lakes that we lived by, but only if it wasn't so cold that your toes froze. The other problem with January is illness. With Camille in our family, January is notorious for illness. The worst one was a few years ago when she got her tonsils out followed by RSV which turned into pneumonia. She was EXTREMELY miserable for weeks. She watched movies basically non-stop and missed a lot of preschool. I can't complain much about the weather this year because it's been mild. However, it has had some illness. Currently Camille is suffering with a cold and constant cough. But here are some reasons why I'm learning to enjoy January: 1. No more Christmas shopping! Maybe some people enjoy this. I'm not one of them. Actually I did have to...