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Showing posts from April, 2015

Topaz Mountain

Scott had to teach over spring break so we decided not to go anywhere overnight.  Instead, we took a day trip to Topaz Mountain.  This turned out to be more of an adventure than we intended. Topaz Mountain is about 2 1/2 hours away from our house.  It's supposed to be a great place to find cool rocks.  I wouldn't recommend going for that reason since we didn't find anything that special.  If you do go for that reason then take someone with you who knows where to look because we sure didn't.         We still enjoyed our visit.  Three of my children decided to climb up to the top of the mountain and the youngest two had fun just scrambling around.  Meanwhile I relaxed and enjoyed the complete quiet and solitude.  It is really out in the middle of nowhere and you have to drive 45 minutes to get to the closest flush toilets in Delta, Utah. This was made quite obvious to me when we had our unintended adven...

Recent Happenings

  Here are some recent events at our house:       Mindy participated in the 4th grade wax museum which featured prominent Utahns.  She chose Minerva Teichert (who loved the color red) since she wants to be an artist when she grows up.  It turned out that her kindergarten teacher's father grew up next door to Minerva and was constantly recruited to pose for her.  That was a fun connection.   Camille got glasses!  Her left eye is weaker than her right eye, so she might have lazy eye, but for now we are trying just the glasses to see if her left eye starts cooperating.  She hasn't lost the glasses yet and she has been good about wearing them.   A missionary from our son's mission came home and brought us a nativity set that our son purchased there.  It was fun to meet "Elder Mace" and hear a little more about our son's mission.  Elder Mace served a lot with our son but wasn't actually his companion. ...

FamilySearch Discovery Center

Our spring break was more of a staycation this year because my husband had to work.  We didn't do a lot, but one thing we did was to visit the FamilySearch Discovery Center up in Salt Lake City in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building where the famous Family History Library is located.  It's a new attraction designed to get youth and adults too excited about family history.  You definitely want to make an appointment which can be done up to two months ahead of time. Our appointment was for Thursday about noon.  We parked in the City Center parking garage.  There is an area in the garage specifically for the Joseph Smith building but I caused a small traffic jam trying to go in there not realizing my van was too tall for that area.  So I had to back up with the help of the attendant and go into a different area!  The parking was cheap and the visit was free. Once we got to the Discovery Center, we were all given Ipads or Ipad minis ...