We took Everett to the airport last Thursday to catch a midnight flight. He was traveling to Palmyra, New York, to be part of the Hill Cumorah Pageant work crew. I'm excited for him to have this opportunity. He'll be gone for a month. It's like serving a mini-mission with having an assigned companion, giving up his cell phone, not having access to a computer, and doing lots of volunteer work to help the pageant happen. We did a lot to help him get ready. We bought a bunch of very specific clothes, like dark T-shirts with no writing or pictures on them and dark jeans, in addition to some tools. We had to make sure we labeled everything because with 28 boys about the same age and size, belongings can get mixed up. We haven't gotten a letter from him yet but I'm looking forward to it and hoping it gets here soon. In the meantime, we'll have to be content with looking at the blog: http://hcpworkcrew.blogspot.com/ I recommend clicking...