Last week I got to go to Education Week at BYU for four days. It was great. I took copious notes and hope to review them frequently so I can remember what I learned. One class I enjoyed was "Raising Responsible, Emotionally Mature Children", taught by Roger K. Allen. The big idea I brought home from his class was that I need to let my children own their problems. It's cultivating an attitude of trusting your children to be able to solve their problems and not being afraid that they won't. Starting from fear leads to weakening our children by over-managing them which is, "Telling, prodding, reminding, lecturing, giving too much advice, criticizing, interrogating, nagging, etc." I'm definitely guilty of over-managing. Yesterday was a perfect example of over-managing. At the end of the day, it felt like I had spent SO much energy trying to get my youngest two to eat enough, sleep enough, and get their homework done. I ...