Our youngest was born very early, at 23.5 weeks gestation (16.5 weeks early). I've talked about this in earlier posts (see here and here ) so I won't go into all the details. One common problem among micro-preemies is problems with eating. Full-term babies get to practice the whole suck-swallow technique in utero but preemies don't. So they're not very good at it. Camille had an additional problem which was kidney failure. A side effect of kidney failure is that food tastes terrible to you and you have no appetite. Young children with kidney failure usually end up with a feeding tube because it's really hard to get them to eat enough and especially to grow. Here you can see the NG tube. It was definitely not our favorite. She would pull it out and make a huge mess. Shortly after she got her G-tube. We were actually feeding her too much so she's a little chubby. When Camille first came hom...