Happy birthday to Susanna! Here is her birth story: Susanna was due on October 30. About a month before her birth, the doctor worried that she was too small but when a specialized ultrasound was done they said she was fine. Another challenge we had is that Scott really wanted to attend a conference in Rhode Island, October. 23-26. It was early in his career and he felt it was important for him to make those professional connections. In the end he decided to attend and we prayed that the baby wouldn't be born before he came home. Scott came home on the 26th shortly before midnight. About 1:25am on the 27th a very strong contraction woke me up. Immediately the contractions came hard and fast. At 2am I woke up Scott and told him we had to go but I didn't have a bag packed. Finally we got to the hospital but we went in through the emergency room instead of the women's clinic entrance. They walked me to the right place wondering if I was going to make it. I quickly changed in...