Recently I listened to an interesting podcast about the connection between Masonry and the LDS temple ceremony. It was an interview with Brett McDonald who is quite knowledgeable about the questions people have about the LDS church, especially the criticisms people raise. He explained that he started reading anti-Mormon material when he was in his late teens and continued to really study a lot of material related to and answering that for the next 10 years, including the time he was on his mission. He became a lawyer after getting a philosophy degree at BYU. Now he works in the tech industry. He says that for him, he doesn't experience spiritual feelings in the same way that others do. His testimony is much more intellectually based. Joseph Smith said he experienced the Spirit of God as pure knowledge coming into his head and that is how Brett said he also experiences the Spirit. Masonic Temple in Philadelphia Brett has created a Youtube channel called "LDS Truth Claims"...