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Showing posts from June, 2024

Cousin Camp 2024

Our son and daughter-in-law who live in Texas decided to come near the beginning of June this year so we had cousin camp early this summer! We missed the two cousins in Latvia but everyone else came at some point. Since we had just gotten back from our big trip, we didn't have a lot of time to plan, but it worked out. Our theme was Power=Work Over Time with the idea that the longer you work at something, the stronger you get. Scott said it was a physics equation (he used it in a talk about families) and it sounded good to me. The first thing we did was go camping and we invited the dads to come stay overnight. We went up to a campsite called Timpooneke which is really beautiful. It is at about 7500 feet elevation and it was pleasantly cool despite some hot weather in the valley. We picked a Thursday night to camp which meant there were some open campsites and we got a nice double site which allowed us to have the space we needed. It was close to a fast-moving river but the river wa