Do you recognize this machine? It's been a regular member of our family for the last (almost) 5 years. It's a feeding pump, used in conjunction with feeding tubes. When our little preemie came home from the hospital, feeding her was a HUGE challenge. Micro-preemies (babies born before 26 weeks gestation) are particularly bad at sucking because they haven't gotten to practice in utero like full-term babies have. So that was our first problem: her feeding wasn't very efficient. Our next problem was that she had kidney failure. When she came home from the hospital in March, 2008, her kidney function was about 25%. It turns out that children with kidney failure don't eat very well because food doesn't taste good to them. Some people with kidney failure have described food as having a metallic taste. So she also had no appetite! I really wanted to avoid a feeding tube. I tried so hard. I spent hours and...