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Almost Home!

Today I got an amazing email from my son serving an LDS mission in eastern Europe.  It is his last email to us since he is coming home on Friday.  I'm pretty excited to see him after two years!

This email was a summary of the miracles he has seen during his service and the things he has learned during the last two years.  He has really matured and grown spiritually and emotionally.  I wish every parent could get a letter like that from their child.  Any trouble I had raising him feels so worth it.

He's 21 now so memories have dimmed a little, but I do remember missing a lot of sleep when he was a baby.  He wanted to eat every two hours around the clock and he did gain a lot of weight.  People would ask me at church what I was feeding him since he was such a roly-poly.  Potty-training him had some challenging moments too... But overall he was a good kid, relatively easy, and I'm so impressed and happy with the person he has become.

I wish I could share some of his email but because of very strict privacy laws in the country where he is right now, I can't do that.  I will say that I'm so grateful for the opportunity he has had to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and I'm grateful for the people that have embraced it.  He shared some of their stories.  They sound remarkable and I wish I could meet them.  Maybe someday, in this life or the next, I will.

Here is a recent picture he sent.  I like the skyline in the background to give us a flavor of where he is.  And the mom in me loves how warmly he is dressed--he learned how to wear warm clothes!  This is what I'll think about when I get frustrated with my younger boys who love to wear shorts to school when it's 30 degrees outside.  They grow up someday!


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