Our 4th son left on his mission for the LDS church today. He got called to the Canada Edmonton mission, speaking Mandarin Chinese. He will spend 9 weeks at a training center for missionaries, learning Chinese, and then he will go up to Edmonton to receive his assigned area.
This preparation was a little different than for my older sons. Lincoln is just recently 18, just graduated from high school, and had less than two months to get ready. My older boys were a little older when they left--closer to 19--and had at least a year of college and living away from home behind them. So I think it might have been a little harder for Lincoln to say goodbye to his friends and family.
I definitely think he's ready though. I'm sure he'll do a great job. We'll miss him a lot but I absolutely know he's doing the right thing, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with other people.
There were lots of goodbyes. I forgot to get a picture of my daughter saying goodbye to her brother before she left for camp on Monday. But I got lots of other ones!
On Monday we visited my 94-year-old grandma who has pretty good health but is currently in a care center for a broken pelvis. |
On Tuesday afternoon Lincoln got set apart and then we went out to eat to celebrate. |
Next came saying goodbye to his older brother at college (and girlfriend) |
Here's saying goodbye to the younger siblings and cousins who were visiting |
This is at the curb of the training center where things tend to get a little emotional because you know this is really it for the next two years. |
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