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Camping for a Really Long Time

Have you ever camped for 15 nights in a row?  That's what we did at the Hill Cumorah Pageant.  This is the thing that made me the most nervous when I thought about going.  We could have stayed in some dorms 20 minutes away but we decided to save our money and camp.  This was camping on a whole different level.

First of all, we had a huge tarp to go over the campsite.  We brought a tarp that was 20x30.  It was actually a little too big.  We had to cut a little bit off because we didn't have enough poles and ropes for it and the leftover tarp was flapping in the breeze and making a lot of noise when we were trying to sleep.  Also, there was a big wind gust early on, the tarp collapsed on our tent and actually broke one of the screws in the pole.  Fortunately (huge blessing), it didn't break the pole so my husband was able to fix it just by buying a new screw.  The tarp protected us from a couple of rainstorms and also kept the sun off of us, giving us some good shade.

Second, we had electricity.  This is also an enormous help when you go camping.  We actually rented a refrigerator for part of our time (if I had called earlier, I could have gotten it for the whole time).  This was so wonderful.  Plus, I brought a small, cheap microwave, a toaster, and a crockpot.  These were very helpful in our cooking needs.  Being in pageant is very time-consuming and you don't have as much time to cook as you might normally have when you camp.  I made a bunch of meals at home that I froze in Ziploc bags.  Every morning, I would get out one of those meals and stick it in the crockpot and it would be all warmed up by dinner.  Very convenient.

Third, we had platforms to put everything on.  Our campsite was basically on a hill so this was also a big help.  The tents were level, thanks to the platforms, the kitchen and table were on a different level, etc.  It was very helpful.

Fourth, we had bathrooms with showers and flush toilets plus free laundry facilities and free ice nearby.  I didn't love sharing the bathrooms and laundry with so many people and I wouldn't have minded if they were a little closer.  And hot water for the shower was frequently at a premium.  However, it was great to have that resource.

Fifth, we were in Zions' Camp which is very conveniently located right next to the Hill Cumorah.  The rehearsals were about a 5 minute walk away.  The study shelter for devotionals and the cast team tents were a little farther, maybe 10 minutes walk away.  We got a lot of exercise walking back and forth numerous times a day, but we had a lot of flexibility if we forgot something at the campsite or if the kids weren't ready to come back until later.  The kids had a lot of independence and we didn't have to wait for people to come so we could leave.  The thing my children loved the most was the socializing.  They made lots of friends through their cast teams and many of those friends were staying at Zions' Camp.  They got to hang out with these friends whenever they had free time and they loved it.  They want to go back next year and do it all again.

Here are a few reasons why I might want to wait a few years before I do it again:

1.  There were some hot days. Fortunately we weren't hot at night and didn't have trouble sleeping.  The heat is part of pageant no matter where you stay.

2.  The traffic at 5am at Zions' Camp is pretty loud.  This was probably my biggest complaint.  Almost every morning, between 5 and 6am, some large truck or tractor (the garbage man frequently), would rumble along the road that was about 10 feet away from our tent and would invariably wake us up.  I would have trouble going back to sleep and since we had to stay up late, I was somewhat sleep-deprived.  It was frustrating.

3.  Camping for 15 nights is still a long time to camp, even with the conveniences.

Was it worth it to be in pageant?  Definitely.  But I don't really want to do it every summer.


  1. We are participating in the pageant this coming summer with our family of eight. Would love to know where you rented your fridge! I hope it's okay to reach out -- I found your blog googling Zion's Camp. (


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