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Goin' Down to Louisiana

For Christmas this year we decided to drive those 25 hours to Zachary, Louisiana, to visit our oldest son David and his family:  Stephanie, Katie, and Felix.

Sadly Camille got sick the night before we left, throwing up several times, and we decided to postpone leaving until we knew what was going on with her.  She was more devastated than anyone else.  At 3am on Friday morning she came to our room and announced that she felt MUCH better and we could leave on our trip!

Snow in Moab
We did end up leaving just a few hours later than we planned. Unfortunately she wasn't completely better so she spent most of the day in the car, lying down and trying to sleep. That night we drove to Tucumcari, New Mexico, to spend the night.  I don't think that town would exist except there's nowhere else to stay for two hours in either direction.

On the way, we stopped in Albuquerque so I could visit that temple and do initiatories while everyone else got some dinner.  I wish I could have spent more time there but we had miles to go before we slept.

On Saturday, Camille felt better but then Mindy got sick.  She threw up about 20 times, no exaageration.  She would cough a lot and then throw up. Then 15 minutes later, the process would start all over again.  It was pretty awful. Fortunately we had brought along an empty ice cream bucket and it got a lot of use.  Even more amazing than how many times she threw up was that she was completely fine the next day.

Along the way, we did manage to make a super quick detour into Oklahoma when we were close to the border so Scott could get his 49th state.  We saw lots of cotton fields and windmills in Texas.

That night we stopped in Shreveport which is on the border with Texas.  Unfortunately our hotel room neighbor was having a party and woke us up around 2am with the noise.  Scott asked them to be quiet and that was about the time that I realized my stomach was starting to hurt.

Sunday morning, Susanna was also feeling sick so we stayed in the hotel with Camille while Scott took Talmage and Mindy to church where they had a nice Christmas Eve program.  I was really sad to miss it because I love visiting other churches.

After they got back, we got back in the car and drove to Zachary.  We briefly visited with David and Stephanie and then Scott took Susanna and I to the hotel so we wouldn't get anyone sick (hopefully) and then went back to have dinner with them.  I was feeling hungry by that time so he brought us some dinner and then we Skyped during the Christmas Eve program so we didn't miss too much.  Fortunately the hotel was only a few minutes away from their house.

Camille made me this sweet get well card.
Santa's sleigh is pulled by gators in Louisiana.

Katie and Felix enjoying an Icelandic traditional cake in their new Christmas pajamas.

Katie is reading Felix's new book to him.
David and Stephanie's family after church on Christmas Eve

The next day was Christmas and now it was Scott's turn to feel sick.  We went over to David and Stephanie's and then I went to pick up Scott when it was time to Skype with our missionary Everett.  This is THE highlight of every Christmas Day since 2012.  We have had missionaries out every Christmas for the last 6 years and then again in 2009 and 2010.

We did a 5-way Skype with Jan (in CA), Garrett (in ID), Lincoln (in TX), Everett, and us.  It was great to talk to him and see how well he is doing.  He has many more teaching opportunities now than he did for the first year of his mission and he's doing well with the language.

After the call, it was really fun to open presents with Felix and Katie and see their excitement with the new toys.  We had a yummy Christmas breakfast and spent the day enjoying being there.


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