Here are the British Pageant pictures. Once again, play Spot the Bergeson. We enjoyed the British pageant and learning more about our British forebears. We enjoyed the opening scene where Scott shoveled manure off the street and Paula tried to dance with a heavy flower tree as a flower seller. We also enjoyed the Countries dance where the teenagers enjoyed their dancing roles and the rest of us tried to keep up and keep from falling off the stage while singing "Come All Whose Souls Are Lighted". We were a Bible reading family as Tyndale got burned at the stake. We went to church and listened to Heber C. Kimball preach. Usually Camille showed up late for that scene. We also read the lighted Book of Mormon later in the pageant. Talmage participated in some kind of tug of war rope scene. We boarded the ship, bid a sad goodbye to our native land, and spent lots of time pretending to live on board a ship as it crossed the ocean. It was a fun pageant and I learned to appreciate it more than I did the first time we saw it back in 2014.
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