Our first hike was the day after Christmas (technically not in 2020 but that's okay--we need the head start). We drove up the hill by where we live and parked next to a portion of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. A lot of the hike was on a road called the Fire Road. Maybe it's so crews can access the foothills better in case of a fire. We also went off the road and up the hill a little ways. It's a nice view of the valley. Pretty easy hike. 3 stars for ease of access to our house, not amazing scenery.
Our second hike was the following Saturday, January 4, 2020. We drove down to Bridal Veil Falls up Provo Canyon and accessed the Bonneville Shoreline Trail in that area. It's a beautiful area but unfortunately there is a lot of road noise because it's on the hill right above the highway. That's a huge minus for me. We hiked 1 mile according to my husband's GPS watch and then turned around and walked back, after having a little snack (an important ingredient for a successful hike.) Also easy hike. 2.5 stars for road noise, nice scenery.
Our 3rd hike was last Saturday, January 11, 2020. My husband wanted to go skiing at Sundance (his first year to buy a ski pass and he wants to get maximum value) so we met at Big Springs Park, up past Southfork and Vivian Park, a little more than 15 minutes from our house. It was snowing and a little colder but we were able to hike up the trail a mile and then back again. The trail was packed down so our hiking boots worked just fine. You only need snowshoes if you are going off trail. After that hike I decided we needed better snacks so I went to the store and stocked up on snacks that are only for hikes (well-hidden). I think that will help minimize complaining. Easy hike. 3.5 stars for nice scenery, fairly peaceful.
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