Usually you don't go north for vacation in the winter, but that's what we did last week. Our son invited us to come visit him and his family while they were visiting his wife's family so we headed north. We hadn't seen them in a year so we were excited for a visit. We left right after church on Sunday and drove without stopping to Boise. We had an Airbnb and it worked out nicely. We were able to visit the Larsen family and play lots of games. Some of us went skiing at Bogus Basin while the rest of us took a walk or played around the Larsens' and enjoyed the remarkably pleasant weather. The next day, we took a look at the Anne Frank/Human Rights Memorial in downtown Boise and walked on the Boise River Greenbelt Trail. Unfortunately it was pretty cold and windy so we didn't last long doing that. Despite that, we had a great time visiting with our son and his wife and baby and playing lots of games. We headed back Wednesday morning, making good time, so we could fi...