This week we decorated our Christmas tree and got out all our nativities. Over the years I have collected quite a few and every year I usually get another one. It was enjoyable to get them out and see my old friends. The first several are Christmas tree ornaments:
This next one is one I made a long time ago in Relief Society. It's just blocks of wood, very child-friendly:
Here's another couple of child-friendly nativities:
Here's the new one we got this year for our front yard. We had to drive up to Ogden to buy it because no other store had it:
This is one my mother gave me last year. They all nest inside each other:
This is from Ukraine. My son had it specially made and brought it back from his mission there:
This is a nativity candle from Latvia that my daughter-in-law gave me last year. Nativities are very hard to find in Latvia so it was very nice to have this. I have wanted a nativity from each country that my children went to on their missions. My second son went to Latvia but couldn't find a nativity there:
This was a nativity my son brought home from Germany:
Here are a couple I have gotten recently:
This is one I ordered from a website called Nativities of the World. I think it was made in Uganda:
This is one from Jerusalem where my son went last winter:
This is one from Armenia:
This is the first nativity I bought a long time ago. It was combined with a few animals from a nativity we bought in Germany which was not very durable:
This is another one I made in Relief Society:
My nativities help me feel a little more like the Christmas spirit. Merry Christmas!
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