Two years ago we went up to Rexburg for Presidents' Day weekend to see my sister's family and go snowmobiling at Island Park. This year we decided to do it again but since there wasn't a lot of enthusiasm for snowmobiling (at least not enough to justify the cost), we decided to just go up and visit. So we left Saturday morning and arrived in the early afternoon.
When we first came in the door, my sister was trying to put this box back together:
My sister and BIL have been cross-country skiing for the last few years at a local trail around the golf course so we decided to check that out.
Too bad I didn't get any pictures of the actual skiing but it was a good time. A few of the kids went sledding and had fun doing that. We actually own cross-country skis but wanted to take our smaller car which wouldn't fit them. So we rented skis at a very reasonable rate. It helps that the golf course trail is totally free. If I lived there I would go there a lot.
On Sunday morning we went to church with them. After church Miles changed into something more comfortable, showing off a little leg. Mark made us a great waffle lunch. Then JoEllen and co. made a good chicken dinner. Our contribution was doing the dishes.
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