Recently I read an article about wearing the temple garment that really resonated with me so I share it here. It has not been hard for me to wear the temple garment. I am uncomfortable when I am NOT wearing it. It gives me a great deal of comfort as it reminds me that I want to stay firmly in the middle of the covenant path. Here is the paragraph from the article that stood out to me and reflects my own feelings:
So why do I wear the garment? Because I have made a promise to God to do so. Because it reminds me of sacred covenants I made in the temple of God. Because I have felt God’s presence in the temple, and the garment connects me at all times with those cherished moments. Because, when I have had questions about the Church of Jesus Christ or challenges to my faith, I have received both spiritually and intellectually satisfying answers, although not always the answers I am looking for. Because I have seen God at work in this church. Because I have a testimony and love for my Savior Jesus Christ, whose gospel I believe is taught within this church.
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