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Lincoln's 26th Birthday!

 Lincoln is turning 26! This year for my birthday posts I'm going to focus on the toddler years. The toddler years are such a cute age. I think Lincoln's face was dirty in most of the pictures.

Lincoln, 15 months

If I had a word for Lincoln during those years it would be QUESTIONS. Lincoln learned to talk very early and he talked a lot. Mostly he asked millions of questions. He wanted to know about everything. It was mentally taxing to constantly have to be thinking of answers to his questions.

Here's from our family history when he was about 19 months old: "Lincoln likes to talk like the big boys. Scott was trying to help Garrett say the prayer but Garrett wasn't cooperating so Lincoln started chiming in and did very well. Garrett did not appreciate the competition."

November, 1997

Lincoln's goals for 1998 were:  Stop whining, talk better, sleep through the night better.

From when Lincoln was 20 months old: "I took Lincoln on a little walk. We went to a little playground. I first tried to put Lincoln into the swings, but he arches his back and said, "No way swing!" Then he raced over to the climbing toy. When he climbed to the top he peeked out and said, "Wookowdewode!" (Look out below) and slid down.  

For a while, we were putting him in bed when he was sad and refused to be happy. When we got him up, we would ask him if he was ready to be happy. This backfired on us when bedtime became quite difficult and he started flinging himself out of his crib. One night we announced it was time for bed. Lincoln pulled the bottle out of his mouth and said, "Happy, happy, happy!" After a few books, we took him up to his crib and he started crying. But he suddenly stopped and said, "Happy?" somewhat hopefully. 

When Lincoln was 22 months, I wrote "Lincoln's talking a lot. He says, "No way!" a lot and "Put a coat on, Mommy." He also says, "No thank you," when he really means, "Yes." 

At a New Year's Eve celebration, Dec. 31, 1999

When Lincoln was 23 months, I wrote: "Lincoln had a tick on his right hip last night. Garrett noticed it in the bathtub and Scott removed it with great difficulty piece by piece while Lincoln screamed bloody murder. Lincoln is now saying, "Yeah, sure."

Lincoln's version of a tantrum, age 3. He would hold this pose for up to an hour.

Lincoln's 3rd birthday happened right around the time Star Wars Episode I came out, a greatly anticipated event.  Lincoln enjoyed talking about it even though he hadn't seen the movie. Lincoln loved his playgroup, loved to play with Garrett, loved to go to his chuwch class, and he loved sweets. If dinner was not to his liking, he would say, "Feels like I'm done." He was a bit picky.

My cute cowboys. Garrett, almost 5, Lincoln, 3.5 years. Garrett and Lincoln were really good friends.

Lincoln had trouble with his R's when he first learned to talk. Then when he was about 3 or 4 he started developing a lisp. I was a little worried about it but eventually it went away. 

Lincoln has always had a major sweet tooth. Dessert was a necessity and motivated him to finish his dinner.

Lincoln loved to create things:  a cave, armor out of paper bags, etc. Give him paper, glue, scissors, tape, and he would make something he wanted to keep.

Once when Lincoln was 4 and we were driving in the car, he pointed out a weeping willow tree. I asked him if he learned about that from Dragon Tales (a show he liked to watch), and he said, "I just knew it when I came from heaven!"

Lincoln learned to ride a bike right before kindergarten. He was quite serious on the first day of school and it took him a while to feel comfortable.

A Primary spotlight from when he turned 6:  "Lincoln is very creative and loves to make things out of anything (often trash). He likes to read and write. He also enjoys riding his scooter and bike and playing with his friends and brothers. Lincoln is very independent and sometimes stubborn. He likes to follow the rules and makes sure everyone else is following the rules too, although he is learning to be a little more flexible. Being funny and making others laugh is something he tries to do. He is preparing to go to the temple by learning to read the scriptures. He likes to get up early and read the scriptures with his family."

Lincoln in front of the Lincoln Memorial

I love this expression on Lincoln's face as he looks at David. Everett is eying the cupcakes intently.

Lincoln was a cute boy! We love you, Lincoln!


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