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Happy Birthday, T-bone!

Happy birthday, Talmage! Here is all about our T-bone during his elementary school years--isn't he cute?

German lederhosen--Talmage wasn't so excited about this outfit which we got from our German friend:

He has been a good big brother to his little sisters.

Talmage loved to build. He built Bionicles, with any kind of blocks including Legos, and K'nex.

Turning 7:

Our vegetable costumes year--maybe he was a cucumber?

Talmage was baptized by his father in July 2010:

We toured the Conference Center in Salt Lake City afterwards:

Talmage was our only child to suck his thumb and he did it quite faithfully for many years. I kept trying to get him to stop but nothing worked. Once I bought a bunch of little prizes to encourage him to stop but when the prizes ran out, the thumb went back in. I tried putting gloves on his hands at night. I tried painting his thumb with something that made it taste bad but he just kept sucking until it all came off and his thumb tasted normal again. Finally I told him he would just have to decide to stop on his own. He decided to stop by the time he turned 8 and he did it.

Talmage was pretty social and would frequently arrange his play dates himself. Once he arranged to hang out with Sam Heath who lived a little ways away. He went to pick up Sam on his bike and bring him back to our house, then he took him back home again.

Susanna and Talmage have been good friends for a lot of years. Dead Horse Point State Park:

Turning 9:

The Black-eyed Pea costume:

Mormon Battalion Visitor Center in San Diego in December 2011:

Turning 10 years old:

Swim team at the SCERA:

Yellowstone 2012:

I've never thought Talmage looks like Lincoln, but in this slightly blurry picture, Talmage wearing his glasses reminds me of Lincoln:

History fair with Daniel Hemmert:

U.S. Capitol 2013 (Everett seems to specialize in creepy looks for pictures):

Joseph Smith home in New York 2013:

I think this was the T-shirt that Talmage designed for the Foothill 3-K which won the school contest:

Niagara Falls 2013:

Turning 11:

Fall 2013:

Happy birthday, Talmage! We're happy to have you in our family!


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