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Showing posts from July, 2023

Canyoneering Robber's Roost: Maybe Mindbender and Chambers

 Scott, David, and Everett went canyoneering in the Robber's Roost area the last few days. They drove down on Thursday night, camping by Robber's Roost Springs. They did a canyon called "Maybe Mindbender" on Friday morning. That canyon was a beautiful canyon but had a challenging exit, long and hot. They saw and heard some wild burros, the white animals in the center right of the picture below: Scott took this picture for me since I learned about the General Land Office Survey in my family history classes: Slot section at the beginning: The last rappel was into a spring-fed canyon:  The exit involved climbing and scrambling in a very exposed area in the middle of a very hot day--temps over 100 degrees. They found a dead cow: Since the other two canyons they planned had the same exit--which they did not want to do again--they decided to drive somewhere else and do a different canyon on Saturday morning called Chambers. This canyon didn't have rappelling but had a l...

Drew's Funeral

Yesterday was the viewing for Drew and then today was the funeral. There were a LOT of people at the viewing. Bruce and Michelle greeted people for almost four hours yesterday and then again this morning before the funeral. Bruce said that if weren't for Drew's death, it would be the best week of his life with so much love being shown to them. Friday actually began with a family run in Drew's honor. We started at a church by the new Lindon temple and ran to Bruce and Michelle's house with breakfast following. Friday night was the viewing. There was a very nice display of all things Drew. This was one of the pictures displayed and I recognized someone I know: We stood in line and the paramedics who worked on Drew stood in line behind us so we got to talk to them. Here's a fun fact:  They cover both Orem and Vineyard but Vineyard gets a lot more 911 calls than Orem per capita. It's a younger population and they are quicker to call. They said it's hard when the...