Yesterday Scott and I went for a drive to see the fall colors and find a hike to do. We took Hwy 189 up Provo Canyon and turned left at Heber. Then at the turnoff towards Kamas, we got on Hwy 32 until we got to Francis, Utah, which is a tiny little town. At Francis, instead of turning towards Kamas, we kept going straight on Hwy 35 to Woodland, an even tinier town and a beautiful area. Not long after Woodland, we came to a trailhead which looks like a popular snowmobiling site in the winter. We decided to hike the Nobletts Creek trail and it was a really nice hike. Nobletts Creek originates from a spring and it's about a mile from the trailhead to the source of the spring, so two miles round-trip with very little up and down. The trail was a little wet and I wished for my hiking boots but it was doable without them.
Not far from the trailhead, we saw a lot of signs of beaver activity. We saw a beaver house, a dam, and several logs that looked gnawed by beavers.
A lot of the hike was in the shade through a nice forest, next to the creek which seemed to have a good amount of water in it. We noticed some seemingly random rock formations nearby.
Near the end of the hike, there was a lot of water coming over rocks and when we looked to see where it was coming from, we realized it was just coming out of the rocks. The water just ended! It was quite an amazing realization.
This is where the water starts:
It was a beautiful hike! It seems like fall is a perfect time to hike because there aren't as many people out and the temperatures are generally good. It took about an hour to get there and I would definitely go back.
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