So we managed to stuff a lot of Christmas activities into one Friday evening and Saturday. Here are some pictures from all our good times. First, the Butterfly Biosphere: Next was the Living Nativity with live animals: An angel singing Silent Night: Followed by hot chocolate that wasn't too hot. The next day we made graham cracker houses: This was followed by sledding: The two-year-old sledder who amazed everyone with the way he kept going: Then we went to the Giving Machine: A few weeks later, we took Milo to our ward Christmas breakfast, then celebrated Jan's birthday the next day: On the 23rd, we took David's children to the Church History and Art Museum which had tons of fun children's activities, wasn't crowded, and kept the children busy for a couple of hours. It was awesome! This guy was very entertained moving things around: Then on Christmas Eve, we re-enacted the nativity: It was a fun month!