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Family History August 3, 2008-Sept. 21, 2008

 August 3, 2008 (Paula)

Our Best and Worst for Vacation


1. Playing in sand and water at the beach.

2. Water football

3. Going out on canoe

4. Seeing the stars

5. Swamping the canoe

6. Raspberry shakes

7. Hike

8. Campfires and nice hot shmoes


1. Fridge in the trailer stopped working on Wednesday.

2. Basement flooding Tuesday night (back at home)

3. Sunburns

4. Driving, esp. with the rented canoe shifting constantly on our van roof

5. Heat

6. David had to stay home and work (and saved the basement)

7. Camille's bad sleeping

We went to Bear Lake and camped in a trailer (and one tent) from Monday to Friday. The basement got flooded while we were gone thanks to a broken sprinkler pipe.

August 10, 2008 (Lincoln)

The past week Garrett and I were at Scout camp and 10 Scouts (all of Troop 892) got 27 merit badges altogether. Garrett got Environmental Science, Orienteering, and Canoeing, with a partial for Weather. I got Environmental Science, Archery, Pioneering, and Rowing. Our troop did COPE course for one hour every day which is where our troop played a bunch of teamwork-building games. Rifle shooting was the same time as COPE so our troop will be doing Rifle shooting some time. Anyway, Maple Dell was really fun. It was 5 nights, from Monday to Saturday. The hole in our backyard was made and the windowsills down there as well. Oh yeah, and the concrete walls and floor were made. [for our addition]

August 17, 2008 (Lincoln)

This week Mindy and Dad had their birthdays. Jan went to band camp, Garrett and I had recitals (piano and horn), I went to Canyon View for 7th grade day, and today we're having school blessings. The construction workers filled in the holes on the side of the concrete thing.

August 24, 2008 (Lincoln)

This week everybody had school. Mom went to Education Week. Camille had 2 doctor appointments. Susanna had her first soccer practice. Jan and Dad went paintballing. The roof of the basement extension was put up.

August 31, 2008 (Lincoln)

Garrett got hit by a car and broke his arm (on 8th North). Dad tried to get ready for BYU startage. Jan went to marching and pep band. Everett moved downstairs. Mom started Camille on continuous feeds (with a pump for her feeding tube to try to minimize the throwing up). Susanna and her team won a soccer game. Talmage has his own room (with Camille). David launched the trebuchet and it broke on the 3rd launch. David also moved out. Lincoln went to an orthodontist appointment. Two walls were put up on the extension and the trusses for the roof were put up.

"New Jersey, New Jersey, Dun duh! Dun duh!"--Lincoln and Jan

"It's cheap!" --Lincoln

Those were the quotes from our family on the way to and from Genola where the trebuchet was.

September 7, 2008 (Scott)

Last Sunday at dinner, Talmage said, "Actually I don't want to be a dinosaur when I grow up. I want to be a dragon!" On Friday I took Garrett, Lincoln, Susanna, Everett, Talmage and Mindy camping at Hope campground. It was a little cold but enjoyable. We made a couple fires and roasted marshmallows and G, L, and E worked on blacksmithing by tempering our roasting sticks. Jan decided to stay home to study, go to the football game and the dance. David got a new cell phone and waits anxiously for books he bought online to arrive.

September 21, 2008 (Scott)

We used up all of Paula's frozen milk for Camille. At one time Paula had 400 containers frozen [not very much in each]. But now it's gone. Susanna's team continues to win. The last two weeks she has scored a point (but not yesterday). Jan had his first marching band performance. They played for the families of marching band and sounded pretty good. Camille managed to go a week without a doctor's appointment. About 2 weeks ago, she had a ph reflux test (overnight) at Primary's. In 10 days she will have a surgery to tighten the muscle [that didn't happen] and also to insert a G-tube [that did]. Yesterday Jan played a trumpet recital. Friday Jan and Garrett both auditioned for All-State. The work on the addition continues. Yesterday they put in insulation and this last week they finally finished installing the furnace. Lincoln is enjoying bassoon lessons, but he and Everett are both having fun playing the trombones and trumpets laying around. Mindy sleeps wonderfully when we give her melatonin at night but otherwise stays up really late. Talmage is "kind of" enjoying school [first grade], but he gets  frustrated with Susanna when she chooses to read instead of play with him.


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