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Family History June 7, 2009-July 26, 2009

June 7, 2009 (written by Scott)
Everyone but David and Jan camped at Zion this week. G & G Hansen joined us one night. Here is everyone's favorite:
Susanna:  eating marshmallows and going on hikes
Talmage:  eating s'mores and playing Uno
Everett: Emerald pools hike
Paula:  Emerald Pools hike
Garrett: the scenery
Lincoln:  Emerald Pools hike
Dad: Emerald Pools hike amd seeing Bryce Canyon
Mindy:  sleeping in a tent
Camille: going home

Jan stayed home for marching band, nursed his cold and studied for the ACT. Thursday-Saturday Garrett, Lincoln, and Jan went to the stake YM camp. The shower relay was a big hit. They also liked biking and teaching. Lincoln taught Bro. Killian and Bro. McNeil was acting as his wife. Ev and Lincoln split up their bunkbed.

June 21, 2009 (written by Paula)
Last week our cousins, the Neils and the Bruces plus Uncle Brian came for dinner so we didn't have family council. This week Scott, Jan and Garrett went on the Teacher/Priest Activity. They drove down to Circleville and camped on a ranch there. They did horseback riding (Garrett's fav), mountain biking (Scott's and Jan's favs) near Bryce Canyon, mechanical bull roping, and did shotguns and a testimony meeting. They left on Wednesday and came back Saturday.

We celebrated Talmage's birthday early on Tuesday. His favorite present was a remote controlled tarantula from Grandma and a Bionicle from Mom and Dad. We went to the SCERA and watched the movie "Up" for his birthday. It has been raining a lot and has rained 16 days out of the first 21 days of June.

Lincoln and Everett had their first swim meet on Tuesday. Susanna, Talmage, and Mindy are now taking swimming lessons. David got transferred to Nordhausen--a harder area. Jan got braces a week ago last Monday. Jan and Garrett marched in the Summerfest parade last Saturday.

June 28, 2009 (written by Scott)
Jan played two parades with the jazz band. They played on a flatbed trailer. Scott pulled the trailer for the Saturday parade. Mindy and Susanna went too and Mindy enjoyed talking to the princesses on several floats before the parade began.

Su, Min, and T all finished a session of swimming lessons last week. Susanna passed her level and both Su and T are moving up to Level 4. Lincoln had a campout with the Scouts at Big Springs. He also had some oral surgery in which a bracket was attached to a tooth up in the gum to encourage it to come down. Camille continues to be vocal, to "cruise", to crawl and to taste things. She even will walk with just one hand but doesn't like it much.

Garrett and Jan performed for the summer band program. Garrett attended a party for Nick Pope nad Jan attended a party for the trumpets at the Bates' house. Paula attended a lecture by Teryl Givens about how American pop culture demonizes members of the Church. Scott attended girls' camp with the bishopric for a testimony meeting on Thursday evening. Lincoln bought an iPod.

July 5, 2009 (written by Scott)
We attended the Oquirrh Mt. temple dedication on Thursday morning. We went at 8:30am and missed the rush. They told us they were filled to capacity from 10am on. It's a beautiful temple on the SW side of the Salt Lake Valley. Everett had a birthday and turned 11. He went with Garrett and Lincoln and two friends to the space center. Jan and Garrett marched in the 4th of July parade on Saturday. We sat with Grandma Hansen, Bruce and Michelle, and Heidi, Shera, Will, and one of Shera's girls. In the evening we had a BBQ at Grandma's house. Su, T, and Mindy signed up for swimming lessons again and are enjoying that. We all went to a play picnic at the SCERA park. Jan sold concessions at the Stadium of Fire to raise money for marching band.

July 19, 2009 (written by Scott)
Lincoln went to Scout camp at Maple Dell two weeks ago and earned 4 merit badges, including lifesaving. Garrett went to Timberline last week somewhere near Moroni. Everett went to Adventure Park for 11-year-olds with Dad and passed off a lot of requirements for Tenderfoot and a handful for 2nd and 1st class. We still have stuff from the Marching band fund-raiser garage sale in our garage. My brother Guy got married last weekend and we saw Mike & Cindy, my mom (who also came to dinner last Sunday), and also Dad & Bekki who came for lunch on Saturday. Felicity and her family are here for the family reunion and Susanna enjoyed seeing her last night. Swimming lessons are over but Paula took T, Su, Min, Cam and JoeJoe swimming on Friday. It was stressful with Camille throwing up and Mindy having problems ("holding in her stinkies") and Paula vowed not to take them swimming again this season without help.

July 26, 2009 (written by Scott)

We attended a Hansen family reunion last week. On Monday we ate pizza at the big house. On Tuesday we went to the Pettit family cabin at Timberlakes. We boated in a very shallow and muddy pond. On Wednesday we went swimming. Thursday was the Undokai. Friday we cleaned up and came home and the adults all ate at Joe Vera's for dinner. Lincoln and Everett finished swim team and did a good job. Garrett went in the "parent" relay. Here is everyone's favorite thing from the reunion:
Scott:  The pond, paddle boat and inflatable raft
Paula: the talent show
Jan:  the pool table and the Bergeson boys' talent show song, also testimony meeting
Garrett:  talent show and pool table
Lincoln: talent show and pool table
Ev: Pinball and pool
Su: Everything. Swimming. Playing with cousins
T: Playing with cousins and the bunkbeds
Min: Swimming
Cam: The boat and not falling down the stairs
It was nice to see everyone--all of Paula's siblings and spouses for those that are married.


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