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Family History: November 7, 1999-November 28, 1999

 November 7, 1999 [Scott]

This morning Craig came over and we took some family pictures in Sally Kurtz's backyard [neighbor]. The boys were all wild, of course, but hopefully a few pictures will be acceptable. Paula bought a new floor lamp for us, to replace our ever-failing halogen lamps. She also finished her mother's valences and they are now all hung. Friday night we had a family game night. We played Mille Bournes, Duck Duck Goose, and Penny Penny Who Has the Penny, except that we used a French franc, so it was Frank Frank, who has the Franc?

November 14, 1999 [Paula]

This week Lincoln said goodbye to Scott on his way to work then said after he went out, "We sure have a cute Dad!" On Friday Scott and I went to a few sessions of the Sperry Symposium on the Book of Mormon. Garrett only had one day of preschool this week. We bought a new computer on Thursday night, then saw a cheaper package advertised on Friday night. So Saturday morning Scott took it back and got a different computer for $100 cheaper. Now we think we want the old machine back because the new one has a touchy DVD-ROM and also we saw another ad this morning. So Scott's going to go back tomorrow and see if he can save us another $50. He's pretty sick of the whole business especially after all his work setting up the computers. Garrett and Lincoln went to Carson's birthday party yesterday. David and Jan did the duet festival yesterday. David got a 37 and Jan got 34, probably because the partners didn't know the music well enough.

On Tuesday and Wednesday nights I played with the Nachtmusik group. Tuesday night was pretty rough but Wednesday went better. On Monday we went to the BYU Chemistry Magic Show. Everett found it to be not very interesting. A few parts were slow and too long but otherwise the boys liked it. On Tuesday night our ward had a dinner and service project. The boys helped paint some wooden toys.

This was taken in the middle of Lincoln's pouting stage. He would get mad about something and would stand there with his arms crossed frowning for an hour or more or until concessions were made that he found satisfactory. It was a pretty funny pose.


November 21, 1999 [Paula] 

Yesterday BYU lost to Utah again! The season started out really well and ended badly. We woke up to a light dusting of snow this morning that the boys enjoyed shoveling off the tramp. It had already melted on the streets and sidewalks. Scott did chair repair yesterday and cleaned out the garage and replaced lots of porch lights. I went to a bridal shower for JoEllen.

Scott took the computer back and got the first box we bought. We have been enjoying it ever since with free Internet service through Net Zero. Also the printer.  I had my book club. We discussed The Good Earth. I'm reading a biography of the author.

Scott took the Webelos plus Jan, Garrett, and Lincoln for a cook-out. He is getting more organized. Scott and I went to see The Cherry Orchard on Friday night. It was a little long.

November 28, 1999 [Paula]

This last week was Thanksgiving. We had Guy Bergeson and family over for dinner. We did lots of Christmas decorating on Friday and Saturday at the Hansens and also at our house. We heard about someone who died falling off a ladder putting up lights. JoEllen had another bridal shower.

When we were waiting for Guy to show up, Lincoln asked, "Is this where Unca Scrooge and Huey, Dewey and Louie are going to sit?" Earlier this week he talked to Scott on the phone. Midway through, he asked, "Is this Dad? Is your name Scott? Oh, hi, Scott!"

Everett doesn't say much but he understand a lot. He likes to go behind the living room plant and lamp and roar. Scott was awarded the Research Corporation grant he applied for back in April. It's for $34K. He was very happy about it. We made gingerbread houses last night. Scott and I went to the temple on Friday.

Our ward had a giant stuffed Taz that made the rounds around the ward. You kept it for a week and then dropped it off at someone else's house.


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