May 20, 2001 [written by Paula]
Today is very windy. Scott was gone to his DAMOP conference in Ontario this week. David had 2 soccer games and lost both of them so his team was out of the tournament. We think they finished in 4th. Jan had his last soccer game but didn't go because he wasn't feeling well.
Uncle Kent is coming for dinner today. But I'm not making it because the boys are making it instead.
Last week was Mother's Day. Scott gave me a new garage door opener and "The Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley." Susanna is learning how to crawl. She can get up on her hands and toes in a push up position. The boys like watching her try to crawl.
The boys are enthralled with the Lego magazine now featuring "Bionicles". Everett loves "Tahu."
July 1, 2001
The weather has been very hot with highs near 100. Garrett finished swimming lessons on Friday, passing Level 2. Jan and David have been doing swim team at the SCERA pool for all of June and July. David went to soccer camp for a week and enjoyed it. His team won the camp tournament.
This summer the boys have been busy with jobs and "academic assignments." We have studied ancient Rome and Greece so far. Now we're starting on the Revolutionary War.
Everett turned 3 today. He got goggles, a bubble holder, a sleeping bag, underwear, socks, shirts, shorts, a new pillow, a mattress pad, and other exciting things. He got potty trained last week. The first 2 days were a little rough but then he figured it out and did much better. He started sleeping in a big bed a few weeks ago and is giving up bottles today. He had pizza and chocolate cupcakes for his birthday.
Susanna has learned how to crawl this last month and just started pulling herself up to stand. She is an eager beaver, especially for eating people food. Jan was picked as a "Cougar of Character" in May at school, the only one from his class.
July 22, 2001
We've had a few accidents in the last few weeks. Everett chomped down on a bird egg that Grandma Ellen brought over. It looked like a candy egg but it was rotten of course. Fortunately he didn't get sick although I was worried about him.
Last week Jan got hit by a car. He was on his way to swim team, crossing Center Street with his bike. An elderly woman wasn't watching while turning right and hit him. His bike got totaled and his foot got scratched up but no broken bones. His sandal also broke. The insurance will give us just a small amount for the bike since it wasn't worth much to begin with.
Last week David, Jan, and Dad climbed up Mt. Timpanogos to Emerald Lake. It was 11 miles round trip. The hike to the summit is 15 miles round trip. Mom and Dad went to Thanksgiving Point Gardens last night and enjoyed that.
Y Mountain is burning and you can see the fires glowing at night from our house. David and Jan had a swim meet. They are improving their times. We had the Raingutter Regatta for our Pack Meeting. Jan took 2nd overall with several other boys.
July 29, 2001
Lincoln won the Best Worker Award for July. Everett managed to stuff the Bionicle CD into our CD-Rom which broke the CD and the CD-Rom until Scott took it apart and got it out. He also spilled a half gallon of milk on the garage floor and wrote with marker on the blue chair.
Susanna was quite unhappy at the grocery store and screamed through a lot of it and all the way home. I came home, changed her and fed her a huge amount. Then when I washed her off, she threw it all up. It was a hard experience for me (and her.)
The boys had their last swim meet of the summer on Saturday. They each had 3 races. Scott has a new guy working for him this summer--a middle-aged nonmember black guy who feels quite lonely and uncomfortable here. Scott helped Craig fix his car. He finished painting our fence on one side.
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