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Family History: Jan. 6, 2013-Feb. 24, 2013

 Jan. 6, 2013 [Scott]

On New Year's Eve we went to the Hansens for a game night. We finally met Kurt's romantic interest, Lauren, and played games and ate junk food. Camille has had a cold and fever and slept terribly last night. Mindy got the cold. So did Everett. So we're sharing. Everyone but Garrett and Mindy went cross country skiing at Big Springs on New Year's Day. It has been extremely cold with lows near zero and highs in the teens and twenties. Garrett got his wisdom teeth out on Thursday morning. He seems to be recovering well and moved back to BYU yesterday.

Jan. 13, 2013 [Scott]

Camille has an ear infection. She and Mindy were sick this week. Fortunately Cam got some meds yesterday and she is doing better. Talmage attended 11-year-old Scouts this week and is nearly finished with his Arrow of Light award for Webelos. Susanna swam in a swim meet yesterday for OTAC in her swimming suit. Everett's Jr. Jazz season finally started and they lost their first game. But he was consoled by the Ravens beating the Broncos in overtime to advance in the playoffs. Lincoln went to MVHS Preference last night with Adrienne Williams. I am on a quest to write a vision statement for the Physics dept. Mindy says she is growing brown hair. Everett says he only lost by 3.

Jan. 20, 2013 [Scott]

Lincoln played bassoon in the All-State band this week. They practice three days and had a concert on Saturday afternoon. This year's band sounded great and the director chose a very accessible program. he played some of his own music and it was very good. Everett went to a Jazz game last night with a bunch of YM from the ward and enjoyed that. Paula is recovering from a cold. Cam and Min are both much better and it is good to see them with more energy and Cam with more appetite. Talmage finished his Arrow of Light and it will be awarded next week. Suzie caught a cold but is getting better.

Jan. 27, 2013 [Scott]

Garrett has to have his shoulder checked out before he can turn in his mission papers. He has an appointment for this coming Wednesday. Everett got braces and an expander on Thursday. he is still figuring out what he can eat and how to eat it in a civil manner. Last night Michelle came over and fixed dinner at our house for us and for her family. Paula and I saw Phantom of the Opera at BYU. Camille's Prograf number is getting better [her kidney med]. Lincoln played in OHS pep band on Friday. Susanna went with her school class to The Leonardo, a museum in SLC and loved that. Talmage's class was supposed to go cross-country skiing but it was cancelled due to a rare freezing rain. I went to Seattle on Tuesday. Paula attended a little conference on how the school community councils can be more effective. Min and Cam continue to argue about the reality of Santa Claus. Last Monday we went ice skating in Midway.

Feb. 3, 2013

Yesterday was Groundhog Day and Camille wanted to have us dress up in groundhog costumes which we did not do. Lincoln had a piano lesson with Hillary Demske (Alice's sister.) Everett's biology teacher sent us an email about how Everett constantly tries to sit by his friends and not in his assigned seat. Susanna did her science project on music memory. Talmage participated in his 5th grade program on U.S. history. Mindy says she got to go outside for recess this week at school because the air quality was better. Paula shoveled tons of snow from the 2 big storms this week. Ev, T, and Lincoln also helped. She also took Camille to the doctor two times because of fever and coughing. Since the beginning of January, Paula has taken Cam to the doctor 4x and to the lab 5x. She's ready for a break. Everett is back to playing his trombone and won his bball game yesterday.

Feb. 10, 2013

Lincoln went to Sweetheart's last night with Britta Adams. Garrett came for a haircut and dinner yesterday. I went camping with the teachers' quorum at Big Springs. We had a good amount of snow and it wasn't as cold as in previous years. Susanna made a science fair presentation on music memory. Everett continues to enjoy basketball and won his game yesterday. Lincoln performed the 1st movement of the Schumann Concerto at the Oquirrh Mt. competition and the UMTA competition. He played well but didn't place. Kurt was complimentary of Lincoln's playing. Talmage continues to pursue his magic hobby, including card tricks and games. Camille is still sick. yesterday she needed 2 liters of oxygen and Paula took her in. The doctor said, Keep doing what you're doing and let us know if it gets worse. But she is a little better. Mindy learned about manners at Activity Days and was correcting Susanna, saying, "Suzie, no elbows on the table!" and Susanna scowled and gave Mindy a dark look. I juiced a purple cabbage and drank the entire 2 cups of thick purple juice.

Feb. 17, 2013

For Valentine's Day, Paula made bags of candy and a card for each of the children. I took the bags for David and Stephanie and Garrett to BYU where they picked them up. I made dinner that night with help from Lincoln and Talmage and the children served it to Paula and me. We ate by candlelight in the living room. Lincoln chose some music for us on the computer. It was Brahms' Requiem. Later, when Paula commented that maybe that music was a little heavy for Valentine's Day, Lincoln asked why and Paula explained that a Requiem is for funerals. It was fun and for a few days afterwards, Camille asked about eating in the living room. Talmage was bored one evening and started playing the ukelele which has captued his imagination and he is playing it a lot this weekend. Susanna is giving a talk in church today. Lincoln performed in the Timp. Piano competition yesterday. Everett's team won 2 games yesterday. Camille is needing less oxygen. Paula took Cam, Min, and Susanna to BYU's Sleeping Beauty ballet yesterday. It lasted 2.5 hours.

Feb. 24, 2013 [Scott]

I was in Maryland this week for an NSF meeting and a visit to the University of Maryland. On Monday we went skiing, snowshoeing, and sledding at Big Springs with everyone. Garrett and Lincoln were speed demons on their skis. Everyone piled onto the sleds for several "train" rides down the sledding hill. Everett had 3 basketball games yesterday. Lincoln played in the Peaks Jazz Festival and enjoyed the masterclass. Susanna and Mindy played violin in the Suzuki graduation concert. C, T, and Paula have colds but are getting better. Talmage went home early on Friday because his ear hurt. Susanna went to a birthday party and bought some bright red running shoes. Lincoln finished his 750 page  book called "Godel, Escher, Bach" and really enjoyed it. It took him about a month. Paula fixed Camille's feeding pump when it started beeping and showing some error in the middle of the night. She got out the air compressor. What a woman!


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