Happy Birthday to Mindy! Mindy turned 16 a few days ago. She has many great qualities. She is enthusiastic, she is creative--constantly drawing and creating books, and she is diligent in getting her work done. This whole summer she has gotten up at 6:30am so she can get dressed and ready for the day on time. She has been working hard to learn how to sew and recently finished a dress with a zipper without much help from me. When we take hikes she goes without complaining and is usually out in front. When school went online for the pandemic, she worked really hard to get all of her assignments done and was the most diligent student at our house by far. School is not particularly easy for her but she works at it. She has enjoyed being in a play this summer through the SCERA and has enjoyed being in other plays. She loves to sing and has a good voice. We look forward to seeing what great things Mindy is going to do!
Age 1, at the Eagle's Nest |
Getting ready for a salt mine tour in Berchtesgaden, Germany |
Age 2 |
Age 2 |
With her dad who shares her birthday at age 3 |
Age 3 |
Age 4 |
Age 4 |
Age 4 |
Age 5 |
Age 5 |
Age 6 |
Age 7 |
Age 8 |
Age 9 |
Age 10 |
Age 11 |
Age 12 |
Age 13 |
Age 14 |
Age 14 |
Mindy in the musical "Annie", age 15 |
Age 15 |
Age 16 in the dress she sewed by herself! |
Mindy's birthday presents are the things she loves: clean Regency era novels, Spiderman, sewing, pretty purse. |
Performing in Moana, Jr. |
We're glad Mindy is in our family!
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