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Susanna's Home!

 Today our Susanna completed her mission and came home! We are so glad she was able to serve an awesome mission and also so glad to have her back home! We went up to the airport to pick her up and arrived just in time.

Here is her last email which I loved reading:

Hello all!!

Our friends Kristy and Tony got baptized yesterday!!! It was a stressful baptism but still super good. Tony and Kristy aren't related at all, but it just worked better to do their baptisms at the same time, so we just had a double! A lot of the ward came, plus Tony's family, Kristy's family, and some of the young women! It was a PACKED room and definitely got pretty hot, but it was worth it. Tony's wife (already a member) was crying the whole time (tender), and the Spirit was there so strong. I taught my very last lesson as a missionary on the Restoration of the gospel right after the baptisms, while Kristy and Tony were changing, and it was so powerful. I am grateful beyond words for the power of that message, that God speaks to us today! Kristy and Tony were both so prepared for their baptisms, and it was honestly amazing to watch them make sacred promises with God. 

Speaking of making promises with God, all of the missionaries who are going home (including me) got to do an endowment session this week!!! It was the first non-essential endowment session for missionaries since March 2020, my first week in the mission field, when the whole mission had a temple trip. So it came full circle! It was beautiful to be in the temple again!! Iove how the Spirit is so strong in the temples. 

This last week of my mission had a lot of mixed emotions, but overall, I am mostly just grateful for my mission. I can't properly express what my mission has done for me, and I'm sure that its effects will continue for the rest of my life! It has been probably the single hardest thing I've ever done, but also the single most rewarding thing I've ever done. Missions are so worth it. I know that God has a divine plan, perfectly fit to each one of His children, and He is a perfectly loving Father! If we give our hearts, He lets us participate in His great work of the gathering of Israel. He is good, even when life is hard. He knows each of us by name. He knows our challenges, and He knows how to help us in those difficulties! I promise each of you that God is with you in every moment, and that you can feel His power and His love if you will just turn to Him. God is so good!!

With all my love, 
Hermana Bergeson 


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