Yesterday Scott put together a tunnel for one of my raised beds. My goal is to use it as a little unheated greenhouse for my seeds that I start in the spring.
I am hoping the shelter will be warm enough to give the little plants a head start without having to use grow lights. Yesterday I planted some onion seeds in two milk jugs along with some kale, lettuce, and spinach seeds in more conventional seedling starting trays. Scott put hinges on the shelter so I can lift it easily to work on it. When the sun comes out and warms everything up, I'll have to make sure it gets enough ventilation so everything doesn't fry by propping it up or leaving the ends open. It's looking pretty cold with that snow in there. Hopefully it melts soon. I'm going to get a thermometer for it.
Scott says it looks like a prairie schooner. All it needs is some wheels and some oxen to set off over the prairie. I'll let you know if it works for my seedlings--I sure hope so. I've been watching a LOT of YouTube videos about gardening. There is a lot of information out there!
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