There's a great podcast by Bryce Dunford that I listened to recently that I want to summarize. First, here's the link: The Gold and the Clay Principle Here's the summary. Everything God touches and does is gold. Everything humans touch and do is clay. God gives us gold and our imperfect fingerprints get all over it. The gold gets mixed with clay. And God is okay with that. He works through imperfect people. But people get disappointed with the clay that they find in the gold and sometimes they reject the gold. The challenge is to see the gold mixed with the clay, acknowledge the clay, but embrace the gold and use it in our lives. A story in 1 Nephi 17 is a good example of this. When Nephi breaks his bow, the family gets very hungry and even Lehi starts murmuring. Lehi temporarily lacks faith that God can help them. But Nephi is still faithful. He makes a new bow and ONE arrow and then goes to his father. He recognizes his father's human weakness and but still honors and...