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Excerpts from Family History: March 9, 2008-May 25, 2008

 Here are a few pages from our family history that we have tried to write in every week for a long time. These entries were all written by our older children.

March 9, 2008 (Paula)

Yesterday Lincoln earned the music merit badge at the stake powwow. Garrett and Jan still have more work to do on theirs. David and Jan had 2 jazz band festivals this week including one for the new Voodoo Swing Orchestra which he's quitting. David worked on his trebuchet project [for a physics class he was taking at Mountain View]. They launched a shotput last night and lost it. Susanna and Everett performed in their piano festival and got a 36 and 37 each. Talmage know that when it's 1:41, there are 19 more minutes until 2:00. He's getting good at math. [He was not quite 7.] Mindy loves to play princesses and "wandses" at Abby's house while Paula visits Camille in the hospital. Camille's doing well this week and is working up to full feedings. She's now at 20cc and needs to get to 50. She also needs to get off her fentanyl [for pain.] Scott and Paula attended a reunion dinner for the BYU Chamber Orchestra Friday night and saw many old friends.

Sunday, April 6, 2008 [written by Jan]

This week Everett's been playing soccer. He made it into ALL at Foothill in 5th grade. Jan and David had an All-State Jazz festival in which we got all 1's. (1 is the best, 5 is the worst.) On Tuesday, they both went a math competition at Snow College, but did not win any prizes. Camille came home March 22 and is addicted to her pacifier. She is learning to eat so she can get big and fat. Lincoln had the Concerto Festival and got a Superior with 2 starts. Garrett was in a band festival and got all ones. David turned 18 on Friday and got an electric razor, some running clothes and other clothes. He also got a 5:08 mile in a track meet. Mindy enjoys talking to Camille.

Sunday, April 13, 2008 (by Jan)

Lincoln and Garrett both played in an honors recital this week. David and Jan had their Region Band Festival on Wednesday, where OHS got two 1's and one 1, which was one step away from being able to go to State Band. We are planning to do some yardwork this week, to earn some money. Dad is in the process of constructing our new play structure in our backyard. We had a pretty busy week with soccer games, Dad's bishopric meetings, etc. Jan managed to burn his hand on a wire mesh in the OHS chemistry lab and now has a grid on his thumbprint and the side of his forefinger.

Sunday, April 20, 2008 (written by Jan)

This week was Spring Break. On Tuesday we went to Goblin Valley, down in southern Utah. (Paula and Camille stayed home.) We stayed overnight and got back Wednesday night at about 9:;00. On the way to Goblin, it was very windy. We could just see these clouds of dust blowing around, although it wasn't too bad and we saw a lot of cool formations. But when we got out of the car, it was kind of reminiscent of being sandblasted. It was so windy that when we tried to set up our big tent, it blew away, with Susanna in it! Eventually the wind died down some, so we could have dinner and climb around. We had prayed for the wind to stop earlier and were answered. We managed to get one small tent up, and the rest of us slept in a little nook/cave away from the wind. The next day was really nice weather. We had a lot of fun in the valley and also hiked up Little Wildhorse Slot Canyon which was really fun.

This week the boys also earned money doing yardwork and painting our fence. We started mowing our lawn this week. David, instead of going to Goblin Valley with us, went on a 58-mile bike ride to Nephi with some friends. David also started his job this week, a computer tech supplies/organizer peon type of job. He organizes files, and carts stuff around and such.

We made strawberry jam, and went through 6 flats of strawberries, including eating in meals and as snacks and processed into jam. Mom and Dad went and saw "The Miracle Worker" and liked it. Jan babysat some people that used to be in our ward for a total of 10 hours, earning $65.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

This week, Talmage's ride was late in picking him up. She said to him, "Thank you for being so patient." Talmage said, "That's okay. I'm a very patient boy." David spoke in church as one of the graduating seniors and managed to forget how many kids were in our family. He also improvised a lot because he forgot his talk at home. Jan and Garrett and Lincoln started mowing lawns this week and Jan and David are studying frantically for the AP US History test coming up in two weeks.

Sunday, May 4, 2008 [Written by Garrett]

Today Dad (Scott) left for an NSF (National Science Foundation) panel in Washington, D.C. For the boys' Mutual, Garrett went to Jake's Archery and Jan cast a little anvil.

Garrett went to Music in the Parks at Lagoon for band. He had a blast riding Colussus, Samurai, and the Spider. Lincoln finally got a new bike. [His got stolen when he left it unlocked.] He is happy to finally have a relatively quick mode of transport again. Everett went to a birthday party and played Rock Band.

David got a National Merit Scholarship to BYU! Hooray!

Sunday, May 11, 2008 (Mother's Day)[Written by Garrett]

David registered for Housing for BYU with his friend Mckay. He also played, along with Jan, for the Spring Fling dance. Lincoln went on a campout on Friday and Saturday at Nunn's Park. Susanna worked hard on her present for Mom for Mother's Day (today). David and Jan took their AP tests. David took Stats, History, and finished the multiple choice for stats in 42:18 out of 90 minutes. Jan took history.

Sunday, May 25, 2008 (written by Lincoln or Garrett)

Lincoln turns 12 and receives the Aaronic Priesthood. He got a good pile of presents. David graduated from seminary and got his wisdom teeth out. Garrett received his 200 point trophy for piano. His movie theme concert was on Wednesday. Lincoln also took the Algebra placement test. Our family cleaned the church on Saturday with the Adams and the Wollastons. We also planted our garden.


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