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Family History Dec. 7, 2008-Jan. 25, 2009

 Dec. 7, 2008 (written by Garrett)

Lincoln got a huge cast for a small break in his pinky. It goes all over his hand except for the fingers and his thumb and halfway up his forearm. Mom gave a presentation on Christmas in Germany to the 2nd graders at Foothill (Susanna's class). She also went to Parent-Teacher conferences at Orem High.

Snow stubbornly refused to come, even though it's December. Talmage went to a birthday party at Levi Candland's house. They went to the Bean Museum. All in all, it was a pretty typical week.

Dec. 14, 2008 (written by Garrett)

Lincoln and Garrett had a band concert. Lincoln plays bassoon, vibraphones in jazz band. Garrett plays French horn. The 10th was National Lincoln Day. Lincoln got set apart as the Secretary in the new deacons' quorum presidency. Nothing else interesting happened.

Dec. 21, 2008 (written by Garrett) 

Today was a full day. The ward choir did the program in Sacrament Meeting. Lincoln played his bassoon and Paula (Mom) played her violin in the little orchestra accompanying the choir. Jan turned 16 on Thursday the 18th. He got shoes, a white board, trumpet stuff, clothes, and car keys. He was ordained a priest today after church. He also got a Braveheart CD.

Garrett (Me!) turned 14 on Tuesday the 16th. I got new shoes, a pitcher plant (carnivorous), a bike lock that has letters instead of numbers, clothes, and a whiteboard. I was ordained a teacher right after Jan (so that he could stand in the circle.) It snowed on Jan and Garrett's birthdays! And on Friday the 19th.

Susanna got strep throat and Talmage got a sore throat but they're feeling better now. Susanna quote while she was playing a computer game: "This is intense!"

Dec. 28, 2008 (written by Garrett)

This week was Christmas! For Christmas Eve we went over to Grandma's house (as is the tradition) and had dinner, the nativity pageant, and Christmas sing. David, Jan, Garrett, and Lincoln stayed for a pitifully short water game.

Favorite Christmas gifts:

David: running shoes, Jan: running shoes, Garrett: The Inheritance Cycle (1st three books--Eragon, Eldest, and Brisinger)

Lincoln: Moosebutter Cds, Everett: BYU hoodies, Susanna: curling iron, Talmage: BYU hoodie, Mindy: Littlest Pet Shop, Camille: books, Mom: brown skirt, Dad: bungee cords...NOT! real one: mittens.

All the boys like the electric guitar we got, and the older boys like the chess book we got. The older five boys played more Dungeons and Dragons this week than they have in the past two years. Matt Brown (one of David's friends) saw the core rule books and wanted to play.

The family--except for Mom and Camille--went sledding. Afterwards, when we were driving home, the van skidded, did a 180 degrees, and took 15 minutes to get out of the snow. Only when Sister Louw (our neighbor) came out did we make any progress.

January 4, 2009 (written by Lincoln)

This week was New Year's and the end of Christmas break. Jan and David played with Orem High School at First Night at the Provo Towne Center. For New Year's, we went to a game night at Grandma's house.

(Goals and evaluation followed)

Lincoln made an amazing quiche last night. Lincoln got his cast off.

Jan. 11, 2009 (Written by Lincoln)

This week we went back to school. On Saturday, there were 3 basketball games. Jan responded to his Preference invitation, using a friend, a ski helmet, a mask, and German.

Jan. 18, 2009 (Written by Lincoln and Mom)

Yesterday Jan went on his first date with Kayley Brooks. Everett got sick. Susanna went to Leah Gale's baptism. Lincoln lost his basketball game, 55-29. David and his roommates came over and somehow we have leftovers. Dad was gone with bishopric stuff Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Mindy got 2 fillings in her 2 front teeth and did fine. When she got her CTR ring, she came home and said, "I'm CTR girl with CTR powers!" She was sad last week when Sophie couldn't play. Mom suggested she could play with Talmage and she sobbed, "He's not a girl!"

January 25, 2009 (written by Scott)

Garrett played French Horn in the All-State Band concert last night. He went up with Danielle Smith on Thursday and stayed 2 nights at some of her relatives'. Paula, Scott, David and Lincoln listened to the concert. It sounded very good. Garrett loved it.

David and his roommates came for dinner last week on Sunday. We skated with the Kirkhams on Monday in Midway. Tuesday was stake priesthood meeting for Scott, Jan, Garrett, and Lincoln. Wednesday Camille went to the pulmonologist and got a good report. Lincoln had a basketball game Saturday and hardly played at all. Jan is still running track. Susanna, T, and Ev had indoor recess this week because of the inversion


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