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Family History Feb. 1, 2009-March 29, 2009

February 1, 2009 (written by Scott)

Garrett auditioned to play a solo with the American Fork Symphony. Apparently it didn't go all that well. They were running behind and didn't even let Garrett finish his piece before they cut him off. Everett and Lincoln both enjoyed playing basketball games yesterday. Lincoln was pleased to play 12 minutes--double the previous week's time. Jan went to a movie on a double date with a girl whose name he kept forgetting, but they had a good time anyway. Sister Moss took Mindy to her first dance class while Paula took Camille to the doctor in SLC. It was the kidney people and they were impressed with Cam's hematocrit. Her creatinine was about the same as before. Paula went cross-country skiing with Everett's (5th grade) class on Friday. Susanna had activity days and made journal jars. It is full of papers with questions like "How much does a new pair of Levi's cost?" and "natural stuff" about your life. Talmage made a boat out of a Kleenex box with a paper sail. Paula wrote a letter to the editor about housing on 10th East and 8th North.

February 8, 2009 (Scott)

Jan went to St. George with the All-State Jazz Band. He stayed with Craig and Holly and ate leftovers. Lincoln attended the Klondike Derby and camped at Jordanelle. It wasn't too cold, but in Orem it rained a lot. Garrett boogied his socks off at a junior high school dance on Thursday. Everett went to BYU for Scouts to do Geology stuff. They went to the Creamery on the way home. Scott went to Virginia and talked at ODU. Susanna, Talmage, Ev, Garrett and Paula listened to Bill Harley at the story telling concert. The most memorable story was about his 3rd grade teacher turning 50. Camille has learned little kissing noises. Paula is giving her stair climbing lessons.

February 15, 2009 (Scott)

Jan played with the All State jazz band for the last time yesterday as part of the BYU Jazz Festival. Garrett played in a French Horn recital on Monday and did a good job. Grandma H. accompanied him on some Mozart thing. Everett got a black eye playing b-ball. He went to the state capitol with the 5th grade and recited the Gettysburg Address on Lincoln's 200th birthday. Garrett has 2 cavities. Talmage has to start flossing. Susanna too. Paula is going to buy fluoride stuff. Susanna went to a Valentine's party at the Boyack's. Lincoln, Garrett and Jan did baptisms at the Timp temple yesterday with me. Paula and I went to the Snake Creek Grill in Heber and spent $75 for our dinner. It is our most expensive dining out to date. Paula has finally decided to be trained as a Scouter at Roundtable last week and Basic Training this week.

Feb. 22, 2009 (Scott)

Last Monday our family went cross country skiing at Big Springs up Provo Canyon. Mom, Dad, David, Jan, Gar, Lincoln, Everett, Susanna, and Talmage all skied and had a good time. We borrowed skis from David Allred and rented some from Park Sportsman. Gar and Lincoln did flags. Tuesday and Thursday Paula went to scout training. Wednesday Talmage had his President's Day program and Paula had book club. Friday evening and Saturday was the stake preparedness conference. Garrett went to a stake dance on Saturday and Jan took a date to the Orem High Sweetheart's Dance--Katie Jenson. Mindy is sick. She's had a fever since Friday and is pretty miserable. David submitted his mission papers last Sunday.

March 1, 2009 (written by Paula)

David got his mission call to Germany Berlin mission leaving April 29. He opened his call right after the Blue and Gold banquet on Wednesday night. He invited some friends to be there. Everett got his Arrow of Light that night. Lincoln went to Dad's job on Tuesday for "job shadowing." He attended Physics 121 and he played some computer games. We made an artichoke on Thursday that Grandma Ellen gave us. Susanna went ice skating with Activity Days.  Mindy and Camille have been sick with colds and have been slowly recovering. We got some things done around the house yesterday.

March 8, 2009 (Paula)

Yesterday Susanna and Everett played in the piano festival and got 38's (out of 40). Susanna took the ALL test [to get into Advanced Learner's Lab at school]. David and Mom went shopping for his mission and spent lots of money. Yesterday and today was stake conference. Friday night we went to the Vocal Point concert. Camille and Mindy stayed home with Genny Wood. Camille had her eyes checked and she has good vision. I stopped pumping after 16 months. Lincoln's b-ball season ended. Their last game was on Thursday and their team had a lot of fouls called on them. Jan had his region jazz festival and they got straight one's. Garrett performed at Abravanel Hall with UVYS.

March 15, 2009 (Paula)

Yesterday David received his endowment. Mom and Dad plus Grandpa and Grandma Hansen were there and afterwards we went to Joe's to eat. On Monday our whole family went up to tour the Draper Temple. It had some lovely artwork. Yesterday Mindy played with Lana for a long time. She is enjoying her dance classes on Thursdays which ends this week. Camille loves to walk with someone helping her. She is making more sounds. Shaw and Mina [friends of Susanna and Talmage] ate dinner with us on Friday. Everett and Susanna made it into the Honors recital and will get $15 each. Jan, Garrett, and Lincoln went to the merit badge powwow and have plenty to do still. Lincoln is making a tennis ball mortar. Mom and Dad went to a bishopric dinner for all the bishoprics in the stake.

March 22, 2009 (Paula)

Dad rented a trencher and dug trenches in our backyard for a new sprinkler system [it had to be redone because of our addition]. Mindy had her last dance class. Everett was sick one day. Garrett turned in a lot of homework. Lincoln and Garrett went to the state math contest and are unsure of their scores. Lincoln went to the History Fair. Jan did the Chemistry Olympiad test. We went ice skating for our ward party yesterday. Susanna and Everett went to the Honors Recital and got their money. Grandma took them and also treated them to ice cream. Jan had a concert.

March 29, 2009 (Paula)

On Friday we had a game night where we served pizza and everyone invited lots of friends. Lincoln had 5, Everett had 4, Susanna had 6, Jan had 2, and Talmage had 2. Garrett was gone for his play so he didn't invite any. It went reasonably well but there was a little too much wildness among the younger children. Next time we will probably invite fewer guests. Garrett's been involved with a play at school called The Diary of Anne Frank. He is the German soldier at the end who hauls them off except you only hear his voice. Dad and Mom went to see it last night and it was pretty depressing.

Lincoln had piano festival and a competition yesterday. He got a 39 at festival and was 2nd runner-up at the Baroque Ensemble competition. All the other finalists were in high school. He also played the bassoon in the competition. Susanna's soccer season started; we have a carpool of 4 girls in our ward. I love it. Mindy had her kindergarten exam and got shots. The weather's been cold.


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