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Showing posts from October, 2024

Family History: Dec. 6, 2009-Jan. 31, 2010

 Dec. 6, 2009 (written by Scott) We decorated our Christmas tree last Monday for FHE. Su, T, Cam, and Min consider the tree to be their personal toy and they each enjoy undecorating and decorating to various extents. On Thursday L, E, Su, and T played duets in a recital at the nursing home. Jan and G had a performance at OHS Thursday night. They shared a concert with the Utah Premier Brass. Jan applied to BYU and went to the Senior Ball ("a Star Wars Christmas") with Kim Stopa. Garrett has a new French horn. Dad removed the swamp cooler vent in the upstairs ceiling one year after the construction ended! Dec. 13, 2009 (Scott) We got our first snow this week. Yesterday was the ward Christmas breakfast and Scott (and the rest of the bishopric) dressed up as wise men and handed out candy canes. Jan was invited to Preference in January. Lincoln played in the CVJH concert on Thursday and had a band party on Friday. Everett went to the rec center last night for NOVA.* Susanna had Ac

Happy Birthday to Mindy!

 [This post is extremely overdue. My excuse is I have been really busy with gardening, family, and the genealogy course I'm scrambling to finish. And I am still trying to get more organized with our pictures so these blog posts are easier to make. But here it is, finally.]  Mindy had another birthday! Here are some pictures from 6th and 7th grade: Turning 12! I'm not sure why she picked this dessert--she's not a big cake fan. She likes the salty kind of treats more than the sweet ones. With her good friends Callie and Selah, both much larger than her, before going to Clear Creek. Selah is actually about a year younger than Mindy. Saying goodbye to Everett before his mission--a little sad moment. At the new Orem All-Together playground--the kids really enjoy it. Mindy has been a huge Harry Potter fan for many years and has read all the books at least 8 or 9 times. Here she is dressing up as Susan Bones. Aunt Michelle is Mindy's go-to hairstylist with the braids. This was