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Family History: Dec. 6, 2009-Jan. 31, 2010

 Dec. 6, 2009 (written by Scott)

We decorated our Christmas tree last Monday for FHE. Su, T, Cam, and Min consider the tree to be their personal toy and they each enjoy undecorating and decorating to various extents. On Thursday L, E, Su, and T played duets in a recital at the nursing home. Jan and G had a performance at OHS Thursday night. They shared a concert with the Utah Premier Brass. Jan applied to BYU and went to the Senior Ball ("a Star Wars Christmas") with Kim Stopa. Garrett has a new French horn. Dad removed the swamp cooler vent in the upstairs ceiling one year after the construction ended!

Dec. 13, 2009 (Scott)

We got our first snow this week. Yesterday was the ward Christmas breakfast and Scott (and the rest of the bishopric) dressed up as wise men and handed out candy canes. Jan was invited to Preference in January. Lincoln played in the CVJH concert on Thursday and had a band party on Friday. Everett went to the rec center last night for NOVA.* Susanna had Activity days at the MOA and Puala drove them. Camille went to the dentist and has to go back Monday for a serious cleaning.** We received a packet of info on her transplant. Mindy played "Super Princesses Save Christmas" at school with her friends. Talmage went to the MOA too. Garrett finally made up an old PE assignment and played Bingo with the teachers' quorum at the old folks' home on 8th North by our house.

*Everett ate so many cookies that he barfed (a little)

**But she has no tooth decay

Dec. 20, 2009 (Scott)

Last night Jan and Garrett had a combined birthday party here. They had about 20 guests here and Paula served chile verde. It was fun and hopefully they can have more parties like this in the future. Jan turned 17 on Friday. We celebrated yesterday because Friday Paula and I spent the day at Primary's in the pre-transplant clinic. A kidney transplant costs $113K and some doctor feeds. Camille will need anti-rejection drugs for the rest of her life. Prograff (tacrolimus) costs $2800/month. Cellcept is less expensive but only slightly. There are generic versions of the drugs, but they have not been appropriately tested, so we won't use them. [In 2024, her medicines are costing us less than $100 a month--the drug costs have come way down and haven't been a significant issue for a long time.] 

Apparently every transplant patient feels a lot better after the transplant. Kids grow faster and develop more quickly. So overall it appears to be very much worth the trouble. DMBA will cover most of the cost although we don't know exactly how much.[almost all of it].

Garrett's birthday was Wednesday. Everett made a "flying monkey" troop flag in Scouts. Lincoln finished his science fair project measuring O2 saturation and stair-climbing power. Susanna played with her friend. Paula continues to run her personal fitness merit badge trainings on Saturday mornings. Lincoln and Everett earned several merit badges at a court of honor. Mindy has been sick but Sister Dick took care of her while we were in SLC. Paula made a "Christmas in Germany" presentation for Talmage's class. Camille had some dental work done and it was traumatic. J, G, L, E, and Paula participated in today's choir program.

Dec. 27, 2009 (Scott)

Today after church Mindy excitedly announced that she was going to be a Mom when she grows up and have 24 children. Two will be twins named Ellie and Lily and they won't come out of her stomach. She will go to the hospital to pick them up. We enjoyed Christmas and talked to David (on his mission) for 50 minutes. Here are favorite gifts: Camille--the musical counting pig, Mindy--the Tinkerbell doll, Talmage--science kit, Susanna--the shrinky dink, Everett--yo-yo and Sanza Fuze, Lincoln--ukelele, Garrett--Sanza fuze, Jan--Sanza fuze or Lincoln's ukulele. Paula--pink sweater. Scott--new running thermals. We enjoyed the traditional turkey dinner and Christmas pageant at the Hansen's. The older 4 boys (J, G, L, E) stayed and played the water UNO game.

Jan. 3, 2010 (Scott)

We went to St. George Monday-Wednesday and stayed in Las Palmas Condos. It was a lot of fun and much warmer than Utah County. We visited Snow Canyon State Park. It snowed here while we were gone and we were happy to miss that. We came home to see that Bro. Wollaston had cleared our driveway and walk. Susanna accidentally pushed an ottoman up against the hot glass fireplace guard. It melted through in one spot and scorched the side. We found a place to repair it for $70. Jan and Garrett went to a 7-stake New Year's Eve party. Lincoln went to a party at the Wood's house. We all had pizza and a game night at the big house, coming home around 10. Su, T, and Min were disappointed that they couldn't have a sleep-over at Clyn's house because Clyn was sick. Lincoln, Everett, and Garrett played in bball games yesterday. The deacons invited Everett to join them, and they were nearly doubled in both games. Here are the favorites from our trip:

Jan:  how warm it was, swimming    Garrett: running to the top of the petrified dune with Dad

Lincoln: Petrified dunes and lava tubes    Everett: petrified dunes, swimming, warmer temps

Susanna: the pool    Talmage:  the comfy bunk beds    Mindy: the swimming    Paula:  free time

Scott:  the relaxed schedule

Jan. 10, 2010 (Paula)

Today our family did the Sac. Mtg. for the Canyon Cove homes. In the first meeting Lincoln had to play a pump organ which required a rapid-fire foot action to keep sound coming out. Then during the Sac. hymn, Lincoln had to pull his chair up between the verses. It was quite a scene.

Lincoln got a dartboard on ebay. Jay went to Preference with Izumi Okamura and had a good time. They went tubing at Soldier Hollow in the morning. Camille had a CT scan on Thursday and stopped crying just long enough for the scan to work. It was a little miracle. Garrett read Oliver Twist in 2 days. It was the last week of the term.

We cleaned the church on Monday and took dinner to the Groesbecks last night. Everett went to the eye doctor and it turns out he doesn't really need glasses. His eyes are just like mine. We just have to watch that the bad eye doesn't go lazy. Dad started teaching. Mindy started reading books from school.

Jan. 17, 2010 (Scott)

Yesterday our whole family went to a BYU basketball game. They beat CSU 91-47. Mindy and Camille weren't very interested in the game but Talmage looked at them passing the ball and said, "That's teamwork!" Jan has Bro. Judd as a seminary teacher (who went to school with Kent and Kurt). Jan also has Mrs. Stocks for physics and says she is not as bad as everyone says. Lincoln finished his second quarter of Latin on EHS. Everett gave a report on Germany and wore Grandpa's Austria hat. Mindy, Su, and T stayed Friday night with Clyn, Thys, and Lana. She got about 5 hours of sleep, waking up at 4am. Susanna finished learning all of the cursive letters. Jan, Garrett, and Lincoln helped Hanna Maughan move on Saturday. Camille had a kidney appt. and had lots of labs run. Garrett's new French horn is in SLC this week to be cleaned and have a spit valve installed.

Jan. 24, 2010 (Scott)

Our whole family went ice skating on Monday in Midway. The Kirkhams came over for dinner afterwards. Mindy loved skating on her very own skates. Talmage's skates from Christmas didn't work as well for him. Everett had a hard fall and hurt his head. We saw the Hawkins family there. Garrett enjoyed playing in All-State band. Jan is working on his Sterling Scholar portfolio. Paula had book group. It snowed 5 inches Friday. Talmage put new batteries in Mafonda and is having fun driving her around the house (remote-controlled spider). Susanna is reading a lot. We saw Paula's Grandpa Broadbent when he was in town for his brother Smith's funeral. Paula went to the funeral. She and I went to the viewing Friday and resolved to be friendlier to more people. Lincoln went to the Beehive homes for Scouts on Thursday.

Jan. 31, 2010 (Scott)

Everett and Lincoln both spoke at Everett's priesthood preview last week. Jan is furiously trying to finish his BYU scholarship application due tomorrow. Camille visited the transplant surgeon, Dr. Nelson. He said it would be better to wait as long as possible for her transplant because she would be bigger. He pointed out a few small hernias in her abdomen that Dr. Downey will need to fix soon. Paula meets with Downey in 10 days. Jan played in a trumpet quintet for Solo and Ensemble at OHS. Garrett performed a solo. Mindy had a tasting party at school as part of the 100 day celebration. She took lemons and Cheetos. Mindy, Talmage, Susanna, Paula and I sang "Teach Me to Walk in the Light," at church Lincoln accompanying. Everett spent several days this week with his friends, including a party at the McCullough space station. The first meeting for marching band started this week. Only 9 more months until the season is over. Lincoln had a party on Friday, an ALL reunion from Foothill, and saw several friends he hadn't seen in a few years.


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