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Happy Birthday to Mindy!

 [This post is extremely overdue. My excuse is I have been really busy with gardening, family, and the genealogy course I'm scrambling to finish. And I am still trying to get more organized with our pictures so these blog posts are easier to make. But here it is, finally.] 

Mindy had another birthday! Here are some pictures from 6th and 7th grade:

Turning 12! I'm not sure why she picked this dessert--she's not a big cake fan. She likes the salty kind of treats more than the sweet ones.
With her good friends Callie and Selah, both much larger than her, before going to Clear Creek. Selah is actually about a year younger than Mindy.
Saying goodbye to Everett before his mission--a little sad moment.
At the new Orem All-Together playground--the kids really enjoy it.
Mindy has been a huge Harry Potter fan for many years and has read all the books at least 8 or 9 times. Here she is dressing up as Susan Bones.
Aunt Michelle is Mindy's go-to hairstylist with the braids.
This was possibly the last time she played the violin although she might have been playing in the school orchestra this last year at Foothill.
A cute shepherd
A contemplative Mindy holding one of her dragons that she loved at this time.
Christmas Day in 2016 brought a great snowstorm with lots of enthusiastic snow players, especially Mindy.
Notice the body buried in the snow.
6th grade science fair project
The cousins performed a musical program for Grandma Ellen's assisted living place--the Seville.
Mindy danced ballroom in 5th and 6th grade at Foothill and it was great! She did a semester in 7th grade but the program at the junior high wasn't great and I wasn't sure where else she could do it so we stopped after that.
We visited This is The Place for spring break
Lincoln's wedding
Some castle in Germany or Austria
The Eagle's Nest in Germany
Fish and chips right before the Preston England temple
The Beatrix Potter home with a picture of Peter Rabbit she drew, standing with Mr. McGregor
First day of trek
At Garrett's and AnnaSue's wedding reception with Katie
Summer swim team
First day of junior high
Thirteen! Mindy likes trifle so this was a better birthday choice.
Thanksgiving Point gardens--the two women at the well.

Mindy participated in a drama group during 7th grade that she enjoyed

On Thanksgiving, Mindy, Camille and Scott rode to Bruce and Michelle's for our Thanksgiving dinner while I brought the food. Camille was a new bike rider and it was a long, slow ride but Mindy was a supportive sister.
For Christmas, we drove to Louisiana to visit David. Everyone got stomach flu at some point on the journey and Mindy had a particularly bad bout of it on our first day on the road. But she recovered quickly and loved being there with her nephew and niece.

Mindy in her happy place--eating chips and reading a book
Visiting Grandma Ellen at her 98th birthday party--Grandma's last birthday on this earth
Over spring break we visited a small cave near Cedar City called Mammoth Cave
In May 2018, she got her braces off! Here's the before and after. We always love Mindy's smile!

Michelle braided Mindy's hair so Mindy could later have this:
That summer our family went back to Nauvoo and participated in the pageant with Gold Cast again--our 3rd time.

Scott, Mindy and Camille were in charge of the puppet show at the country fair while the rest of us were in the country band.

We love you, Mindy! Happy birthday!


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