Today I'm grateful for the opportunity to choose. I get to choose so many things in my life: how to spend my money, my time, my opinions, my thoughts, my attitudes, my beliefs, my work, my friends, and so much more. Sure, I have responsibilities and things I really should and need to do, but ultimately I get to choose. Here are a few choices I'm happy to have.
To serve a mission
To have children
To grow peach trees
To exercise and get stronger
To try new things like raise chickens, even if it ends badly
To grow vegetables in my garden
To go to the temple
To get married
To spend time with grandchildren
And attend important events in my grandchildren's and my children's lives
To play the violin and help my children learn to play musical instruments
To learn to play the organ
To visit with friends
To learn about and do family history
I'm grateful for so many choices!
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