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Family History: Feb. 9, 2014 - March 16, 2014

Feb. 9, 2014 [Paula]

Our triumphant missionary, Elder Jan Bergeson came home on Friday night. His flight was delayed so we didn't get home from the airport until almost midnight. Fortunately we could sleep in, the next day. Jan was up from 6pm Thursday night until 12:30am Saturday morning. A few friends/roommates from his freshman year were also at the airport along with David and Stephanie, Grandma Bergeson, and us.

Camille got an ear infection on Friday and is back on antibiotics. Everett lost a game and won a game in Bball yesterday. I went to parent-teacher conferences for Mindy and Camille and they're both doing well. Mindy has improved her behavior. Yesterday Scott and Paula took Jan to the temple and then we went out to eat with David and Stephanie at the Olive Garden. Susanna had New Beginnings. Talmage played a lot in the snow. Jan got released by Pres. Hansen. Jan's luggage arrived about 4:30am preceded by a phone call. Lincoln went to the Sweetheart dance last night.

Feb. 16, 2014 [Scott]

Jan had a DATE! He has been busy looking for work, thinking about a cell phone, writing his talk for today, and moving in/unpacking. Lincoln's hair is getting pretty long. Some of his friends are going to defect from NorthStar, joining Vivint instead. When Everett got home last night after riding his bicycle home, his hair was wild. He said, "My hair is so poofy!" Lincoln answered, "Poofy is good, man." Everett's basketball teams are doing well. Susanna rehearsed with the Jr. High honors orchestra at UVU on Friday. Talmage went hiking with Jon Conover and his family. They went to Big Springs where the snow is melting. It was pretty wet and Talmage's boot had a hole in it. So his foot got very cold and numb. Mindy has a cough that is bothering her. Camille has fluid in her ears, related to her ear infection, so she is a little hard of hearing this week. For Valentine's Day, we had a nice dinner here. I gave Paula a book, "The Y's Way to a Healthy Back," for her aching back. Paula helped with 2 Valentine Day's parties.

Feb. 23, 2014 [Paula]

This morning Jan reported on his mission to the high council along with 3 other missionaries. Camille has been sick for the last few days with a fever and upper respiratory virus. Everett's church team lost in the tournament yesterday so that season is over. However, his city team won and the tournament starts next week. Everett scored 20 points in the game.

Susanna played with a district junior high honors orchestra and they had a short concert on Friday night. Talmage had an awards night at BYU for getting 12 points on a math test called the AMC 8. Mindy enjoyed lots of reading time yesterday. Paula did the family's and Garrett's taxes yesterday. Scott and Paula went to the stake adult dinner. Lincoln played jazz with Mr. Summers last Monday. We went bowling since it was a holiday. Jan got 134 for the high score. He also did a slide show of mission pictures for our FHE. Sunday was his homecoming and lot of friends and family came to greet him.

March 2, 2014 [Scott]

The crisis in Ukraine is heating up. Garrett was moved out of Yerpatovice to somewhere farther north, out of Crimea. Mindy and Talmage did a good job at the piano festival yesterday. Mindy went ice skating with the activity day girls. Everett skipped seminary on Monday to go to lunch with some girls. Lincoln accompanied the Birkmayer girl at Region Solo/ensemble and went to the OHS play, "Crucible."

Jan signed up for 2 Independent study courses and expanded his computer hardware collection. Everett's basketball team lost their game to an obnoxious team yesterday. But they have great hopes of surviving through the losers' bracket. Susanna feels somewhat friendless at church and is going to work on strengthening her friendships there. Cam was sick this week but finally went to school on Friday @ 92% O2 saturation. Talmage is looking forward to two large candy bars today for putting his dishes in the dishwasher after every meal and making his bed every day. We got 2 new couches.

March 9, 2014 [Scott]

Jan finished his bike this week and enjoys the fruits of his hard work. Lincoln and Everett went to the OHS state bball game and had different feelings about the 1 point loss. Susanna wants to quit her triple quartet at the junior high. Talmage participated in the stake merit badge powwow and ate 8 donuts. Mindy had some trouble at her violin lesson. Cam is learning to climb into Mindy's top bunk. Mindy is enjoying knitting. Cam learned to use a cootie catcher. Stake conference today--the teenagers went to the evening session.

March 16, 2014 [Scott]

Jan got a job at the MTC as a Latvian teacher. Everett earned $63 aerating lawns yesterday. Susanna went to her friend Jeannette Wong's and made cookies. Mindy has a new diary with a lock and key. T, M, and Camille flew a kite on a windy, blustery day yesterday. Lincoln spent lots of time working at KLAS and for NorthStar. We had endless French toast for breakfast, thanks to Jan and Lincoln for springing for an extra loaf of bread.


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